- The craze for roller skating spread throughout the U.S.
- 滑旱冰在全美风靡一时。
- He was vague, however, about just what U.S. forces might actually do.
- 然而,他对美军实际可能采取的行动却闪烁其词。
- Making a sharp U-turn, she headed back.
- 她猛地掉转车头,往回开。
- Email your views to sport@times.co.u.
- k将您的看法以电子邮件形式发送至sport@times.co.uk。
- The U . K . consists of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
- 英国由大不列颠和北爱尔兰组成.
- The United States of America is commonly abbreviated to U.S.A..
- 美利坚合众国常被缩略为U. S. A..
- The patriot's voice trembled from the fervo ( u ) r of his emotion.
- 这位爱国者由于感情 激昂 而声音发抖.
- A mother should not favo ( u ) r any of her children.
- 母亲不应 偏爱 其任一子女.
- You mustn't force the lock, you must humo ( u ) r it.
- 你不能用 死力 开锁, 你得顺着点儿开.
- A house was on fire last night in our neighbo ( u ) rhood .
- 我的附近一所房子昨夜 失火 了.
- That theory fell into disfavo ( u ) r in the nineteenth century.
- 那种理论在19世纪就不受欢迎.
- There is a savo ( u ) r of conceit in everything he says.
- 他所说的所有的话都有自负的意味.
- The ship is at anchor in Foochow harbo ( u ) r at present.
- 这船现在停泊在 福州 港.
- Bad manners savo ( u ) r a bad education.
- 礼貌欠缺显示出缺乏教育.
- Franceand Germany are neighbo ( u ) ring countries .
- 法国和德国是 邻国.